Surface Water

According to a report by Alex Riley in the recent Longstanton Life (Volume 11, No. 1) the surface water in Longstanton is generally not handled by Anglian Water.  Does this mean that we are paying for a service that we are not receiving?  According to my water bill, there is a sewage charge which is collected on behalf of AW and includes an amount for surface water.  The small print indicates that we are entiled to a reduction on the standing charge if AW do not handle the surface water.  Has anyone successfully made a claim and received a reduction?

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One Response to “Surface Water”

  1. Nanci dL Says:

    If it helps we are in Duddle Drive and have not paid surface water since moving in. Cambridge Water have a list of properties that have surface water discharging outside of their system and should be able to get it knocked off your bill by referring to their list. As for back dating I’m afraid I can’t help there.

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